Sunday, 22 August 2010

Summer on a Plate

Shame the weather didn't emulate the concentrated summeriness in this recipe; Saturday was a wash out so we didn't BBQ.  The swordfish steaks cooked beautifully brushed with olive oil and chilli flakes and pan fried for 4 minutes each side.  The  zesty, bright green Salmoriglio worked so well with the fish, and I suspect would work well with a lot of other stuff.  The sauce consists of olive oil and water whisked together with lemon juice, crushed garlic, chopped oregano and parsley, simple but a total flavour bomb.  The samphire I just steamed for 2 minutes or so then stirred a good dollop of butter and some lemon juice through.  This stuff is made to go with fish, you can taste the sea in it.  Dished up with some plain boiled potatoes to soak up all those lovely sauces and juices, and a nice chilled glass of pinot grigio.  Typically, one glass wasn't enough and we were still up watching The Shining at 4 in the morning being very silly, but that's another story; it was Saturday night after all :-)

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