Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Derby Pyclet stall.

IMAG0362 by Gingerferret2008

Yesterday I had the pleasure of stumbling across the Derby Pyclet stall in the marketplace.  (Not literally, saved the stumbling for later on in the Greyhound).  I'd heard good things about these pyclets (a thin crumpet?) but as I was off to The Wonky Table for lunch (that's another story) I absteined from on the spot pyclets and bought some for home consumption instead.
The stall intends to be in the marketplace every Saturday from 10am to 5.30pm.  It is run by two gents called Mark and Martin, they were inspired to bake pyclets after Mark bought a house that used to be a bakery. 
They bake plain pyclets, and delicious herby ones; I opted for pyclets flavoured with dill, and followed the enthusiastic recommendation to serve them with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs...Sunday bliss!
If you are fed up of those flabby things from the supermarket, do sample a pyclet next time you are in town on a Saturday. the food loving man (and woman's) crumpet.

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