Sunday, 29 November 2015

Smoke BBQ Sheffield

Okay, so we're a little late to the whole 'American BBQ' party, but the places closer to us (Red's True BBQ and Rub Smokehouse in Nottingham) seemed a little inauthentic so we hadn't rushed to try them. Smoke BBQ was recommended, natch, raved about to us by friends of friends, so as we were in Sheffield we decided to  give it a try.

I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't an aircraft hanger.  The restaurant is huge and filled with the aroma of smoked meat, and appeared to be doing a roaring trade despite recent revelations from the World Health Organisation.

Sheffield was the original Smoke BBQ but they have now branched out to Leeds and I'm sure there are further franchises in the offing.  With the paper menus and industrial vibe it did feel a tad formulaic.  We were seated and given a glass full of salty popcorn to nibble. The drinks list is heavy on the bourbon, but happily I located Freedom Organic lager, albeit only available by the half pint or in two pint jugs? Presumably because a single pint would last you no time after that salty popcorn...and jam jars instead of glasses, really?

Sadly the organic, free (range) ethos did not seem to extend to the meat on offer.  Although the website claims they use 'the best meat Yorkshire has to offer', the menu is resolutely muddy about it's point of origin. I eat less and less meat these days (what the hell am I doing in an American BBQ joint, I hear you ask?) and am keen for the meat I do eat to be good quality, locally sourced and ethically produced.

Ethics aside, the smoke sharer plate we ordered was a beast to behold.

It consisted of smoked sausage, ribs, chicken thighs, pulled pork and an almighty turkey leg,plus 'twice cooked' chips and another side of your choice (all a bit cheeky Nandos) we opted for slaw.  The smoked flavour was good, but the meat all started to taste the same after a while.

Still, we did alright:

I'm glad I have now experienced the American BBQ shtick myself, but I don't think I'll be going back, it wasn't that there was anything particularly bad about Smoke BBQ, in fact there were plenty of little touches I did like (the chalkboard walls in the bathroom are pretty cool) and it is obviously popular, it just seemed a bit gimmicky to me.  I'd be interested to hear if anyone has been anywhere they considered really special, BBQ wise?  Or am I going to have to keep planning my 'pig'rimage to and through the good old US of A?

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