Sunday, 23 October 2011

A Can of Canard.

IMAG0589 by Gingerferret2008
IMAG0589, a photo by Gingerferret2008 on Flickr.

Not when this is the end result! The tin contained 5 cooked duck legs immersed in velvety fat. You wipe most, but not all the fat off the legs, then roast them at around gas mark 6 for 15 minutes.
We served with potatoes, sliced into rounds about the thickness of a pound coin, and baked in a deep dish with garlic, thyme and of course, some of the surplus duck fat, for about an hour.
Serve with a crisp green salad with a mustardy dressing to cut through all that rich duck lard. Beautiful.
We did intend to have guests for this meal but they were a no show, which means we are having oriental style duck pancakes for dinner with the leftovers...result!
If you go to France I urge you to bring one of these back with you, as they cost a fortune here. Get one for yourself as well...

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