Sunday, 23 October 2011

Jack Rabbits

IMAG0532 by Gingerferret2008
IMAG0532, a photo by Gingerferret2008 on Flickr.

This is probably the best Ploughman's I have ever eaten, at Jack Rabbits cafe in Derby. Isn't it beautiful?

I mentioned their superb sandwiches and take away ready meals in an earlier blog, they have now branched out into cafe territory. About time!

The owner is a very friendly and smiley lady who obviously cares about the food she is serving and makes a point of asking how it was.

The staff are pleasant and unflappable despite the fact that there seems to be a queue out of the door most of the time.

The cafe is housed in a light and airy glass fronted room opposite the cathedral. This used the be the Glasshouse, a bar where I misspent much of my Derby youth. Nice to see it being put to such civil and bustling use, it feels right to be back somehow!

Since this visit I've already returned for a wonderful and substantial brunch, and I plan to become a regular here. Well done Derby.

A Can of Canard.

IMAG0589 by Gingerferret2008
IMAG0589, a photo by Gingerferret2008 on Flickr.

Not when this is the end result! The tin contained 5 cooked duck legs immersed in velvety fat. You wipe most, but not all the fat off the legs, then roast them at around gas mark 6 for 15 minutes.
We served with potatoes, sliced into rounds about the thickness of a pound coin, and baked in a deep dish with garlic, thyme and of course, some of the surplus duck fat, for about an hour.
Serve with a crisp green salad with a mustardy dressing to cut through all that rich duck lard. Beautiful.
We did intend to have guests for this meal but they were a no show, which means we are having oriental style duck pancakes for dinner with the leftovers...result!
If you go to France I urge you to bring one of these back with you, as they cost a fortune here. Get one for yourself as well...

A Can of Canard.

IMAG0586 by Gingerferret2008
IMAG0586, a photo by Gingerferret2008 on Flickr.

Some people might think that duck legs preserved in duck fat and sealed into a massive tin sounds gross, but not me!
We've had this delight stashed away for over a year, just waiting for the right moment....