Friday, 17 September 2010

Turk in York

I've had a really hectic week or so since I last blogged.  I've been in York twice for two days (work) and at the weekend Dennis the oldest Decorator in Derby was here painting all weekend with all the upheaval that decorating entails.  However I've managed to have a few nice meals out and even managed to cook a couple of times, just not had chance to blog.
The first visit to York was last Thursday and Friday.  We had the option of eating in the hotel but it's pretty uninspiring, and our trainer had recommended this Turkish restaurant:
I've never been to Turkey, although I love the food, a side effect of living in Germany for many years I think, as there is a lot of Turkish influenced food there.  Anyway, Kapadokya is apparently a region of Turkey, hence the name, not sure why they've added the 50 though.
I went out to eat with Andy, who I work with, Maria, his lovely Brazilian girlfriend and Jamie, a friend of mine from university who lives in York.
The restaurant has a big open grill in the middle of the room, I love this.  I went for a dish called Adana:
Minced lamb with herbs, onions, parsley, spices and a little chilli on skewers, char-grilled served with rice and salad.  Andy, a notable Nottingham gourmet in his own right, said he thought the food at Antalya was better, but I've not yet eaten at Antalya.   (Why are all Turkish restaurants named after places in Turkey?)
I thought Kapadokya was really good, the meat was tender and juicy, and not too salty as this type of shish can be.  It came with a side of fresh Turkish flatbread.  The wine list was really cheap too, we shared a nice bottle of shiraz for £12.50.  It was over a week ago and I'm afraid I can't remember what everyone else had, the Old Rosie cider we got into the habit of drinking in York has played havoc with my recall.
After dinner Jamie took us to a really interesting bar:
You might miss it as it is fronted by an off licence, but go through the shop and you will discover a hidden bar.  A massive wall of spirits promised every kind of cocktail you could imagine, but the atmosphere was rather spoilt by the screeching harridans on the next table to us, I think they'd had a few too many Woo Woo's!   A fun night though.

1 comment:

andybullock77 said...

Just an addition to the comments about Antalya in Nottingham; although the decor may be dated compared to Kapadokya, the staff are really friendly, and the little freebies really leave a good taste in one's mouth (metaphorically and literally). A plate of olives, pickled peppers, carrot sticks and warm Turkish bread to nibble on when you arrive (need more? just ask), and some fresh fruit, Turkish Delight and a shot of liqueur at the end, all gratis. Heaven for a tightfist such as me.